2019 predictions, Java EE authentication, JAX-RS and BeanValidation, Perfect cases for Microservices, Docker vs. OpenShift, Java EE hosting, JPA and MicroServices--or topics for 59th airhacks.tv

Topics (https://gist.github.com/AdamBien/d65135a87731eb1da396cf853a5e2a2d) for the 59th airhacks.tv:

  1. 2019 predictions background and discussion
  2. Java EE authentication and additional user information retrieval
  3. 400,500 or stuck with ConstraintValidationException with JAX-RS
  4. JAX-RS @Stateless or @RequestScoped
  5. Best use cases for microservices
  6. How to choose between app servers for a project? (glassfish, payara, wildfly, tomee etc.)
  7. How to start learning microservices with Java EE
  8. Docker and OpenShift
  9. BCE for SPA / PWA
  10. Where / how to host Java EE
  11. DB relations in microservices
  12. Is JPA well suited for microservices?
  13. JSF vs. SPA performance considerations
  14. Perfect cases for dozer

Ask questions during the show via twitter mentioning me: http://twitter.com/AdamBien (@AdamBien) or using the hashtag: #airhacks. You can join the Q&A session live each first Monday of month, 6 P.M at airhacks.tv or http://www.ustream.tv/channel/adambien

See you at Web, MicroProfile and Java EE Workshops at Munich Airport, Terminal 2 or Virtual Dedicated Workshops / consulting. Is Munich's airport too far? Learn from home: airhacks.io.


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