Asynchronous WAR To WAR Communication With WebSockets

WebSockets come with Java EE 7 and require no additional dependencies or libraries. Particularly in "microservices architectures" websockets are an interesting option for the implementation of WAR to WAR communication.

In this screencast I created two WARs from scratch and let them communicate via WebSockets:

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I like it :-) What do you suggest on a non-Java EE client, e.g. JavaFX client, for WebSocket communication with a WAR?
Cheers Michael

Posted by Michael on February 03, 2017 at 04:14 PM CET #

Hi Adam,

Thanks for the video, great way to solve this.

But how can you deal with deployment order (e.g. websphere liberty does support specifying a deployment order of wars)? And what happens if the "server" war is redeployed?


Posted by Niklas Mehner on February 04, 2017 at 02:29 PM CET #

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