Best Of July - The Best Month Ever, Java EE vs. Spring (16k) and Where Is M. Jackson?

  1. Lean Java EE 6 Without Spring And Spring 3.0 In Java EE 6 World: Summary and Conclusion (eJug Session) (16203 views)
  2. Which Programming Language J. Gosling would use now, except Java? (13002 views)
  3. In-Memory Java DB - Perfect For JPA-Unit testing (11608 views)
21. Was Michael Jackson A Java Developer With JSON Expertise? (4078 views) - I was just curious what happens. This post wasn't as popular as predicted - the experiment is closed now. However, the Jackson parser really rocks.

and: 382418 direct requests, 82258 RSS reads and 19758 atom reads (all best results ever).

Daily Avg. 6313 Visitors (best result ever)
Total Visitors 195718 (best result ever)
Total Hits: 791340 (best result ever)
...and the August looks even better (7144 visitors a day).

Thanks to all readers, especially for the great feedback! 


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