Best Of June - The Best Month Ever with Real World Java EE Patterns as Top Post (15k)

  1. Real World Java EE Patterns - Rethinking Best Practices Book And Project (15456 views)
  2. First Glance At JBoss 5.1 GA Admin Console - And Glassfish v2.1 Comparison (5968 views)
  3. Generic CRUD Service aka DAO - EJB 3.1/0 Code - Only If You Really Needed (5204 views)
  4. Unit Testing EJB 3.1 ...When 0.8 Seconds Are Too Long [SOURCE CODE INCLUDED] (3917 views)
  5. How To Unit-Test EJB 3 0.8 Seconds [source code included] (3632 views)
and: 368493 direct requests, 82258 RSS reads and 15566 atom reads (all best results ever).

Daily Avg. 5249 Visitors (best result ever)
Total Visitors 157475 (March 09 was better)
Total Hits: 647276 (March 09 was better)

I didn't posted a lot in April and May because of the "Real World Java EE Patterns" book. These months are not as good as June. I will post the result in the next meta-post. However July seems to explode (around 9k visits a day) - will have to tweak the page a bit.


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