First Workshop with Netbeans 6beta 1 ...and where is the Problems View?

This week I gave a Java EE 5 Patterns class in Munich. We used Netbeans 5.5.1, some students 6.0b1 for the exercises.
It was a risky decision, but Netbeans 6.0 beta1 was surprisingly stable. There were only few minor problems with the editor (some packages were marked with the "error" icon, although there were no issues). We built a sample application called "chicken order". It was motivated by the "Oktoberfest" :-). Deployment to Glassfish v2 FCS, EJB 3 wizzards, Java Server Faces editors worked without any problems. However Glassfish had to be restarted from time to time on Windows, because it locked the ears - and then they cannot be deleted. This is really annoying, but otherwise it would be unbelievable efficient :-).

Some students already had experience with Netbeans which surprised me as well - in Germany Netbeans-IDE wasn't really popular few years ago. Some FAQs they asked me:

  • Where ist the Eclipse's "Problem's View"? 
    • Answer: Strg+6, or Window->Task List
  • Do we have to install plugins? :-)
    • Answer: Some interesting Plugins are: UML Support, Collaboration Tool, JavaFX plugin. However for mainstream Java EE development, no additional plugins or extensions are needed. Just single ZIP dowload (about 90-100MB) is enough.
  • Is really everything already included?
    • Answer: yes. Netbeans 6.0 comes with Profiler, JSF Designer, SQL Explorer, Subversion, CVS, Swing GUI Designer, Tomcat and good Java EE support.
  • What keybinding are supported?
    • Answer: Tools -> Options -> Keymap. Eclipse, Emacs and Netbeans 5.5 are supported. In the folder [netbeans_home]/nb6.0 you will find a PDF with all shortcuts documented
I switched completely to Netbeans 6.0 (from 5.5.1 :-)) it works really well for me so far. However I didn't tried the Mobile Developement capabilities yet.


Hi Adam,
you did a great job convincing me to use netbeans 6(beta)... i already started to develop a rich client application with this great gui builder :) Maybe i will put in some JavaFX features.

However beeing familiar with the eclipse-shortcuts its kind of difficult with NetBeans. I did switch to the eclipse profile within tools->options->Keymap but i still miss my favorite eclipse shortcut Ctrl-Shift-T (Open Type). I did not see any possibility within netbeans to use or to configure this shortcut...

Greetings from Stuttgart
(listening to Again from Archive) ;)

Posted by Daniel on September 29, 2007 at 01:55 AM CEST #

Hi Daniel,

Netbeans requires less keys to press: only Ctrl+O :-)
You can change the combination in Tools-> Options-> Edit -> Go to Type
as well.

Btw. it wasn't my intention to convince you to use Netbeans: we had only 3 days
for SOA, Domain Driven Design and implementation of "Chicken Order".
:-). I just tried to minimize the installation overhead.
However I like NB too :-)

Posted by Adam Bien on September 30, 2007 at 09:53 PM CEST #

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