I met duke first time in San Francisco, then in Singapore

The Jax-Asia conference was well organized, I really enjoyed it. I was really curious, how my (critical) session about Enterprise Architects and Architectures will be received by the asian participants. After my session, some particiants came to me and mentioned, that in asia there are exactly the same challenges and problems. My second session was less esoteric and introduced the Java EE 5 patterns. After the session I discussed some impacts of JPA and polymorphisms with womens(!!!), who were really skilled and experienced in EJB 3. We also discussed offshore projects and why they fail or are efficient. Because of my projects, I had no time to go to Jakarta.... I will try it next year :-).

I also met duke again :-). The first time I saw him at the Java One in 2000, and he is back in singapore.

If you also were at Jax-Asia conference, just comment this entry or send me an email about your impression.


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