JASPIC, Lambdas, React, TX, JSF, MVC, JSON, Microservices, Docker Swarm, Threads or Questions for the 40th airhacks.tv

Topics for the 40th airhacks.tv at July, 3rd, 6pm CET:

  1. JASPIC for securing Java EE 7 applications
  2. Thoughts on lambdas and more functional Java
  3. Thoughts on AWS lambdas :-)
  4. The size of ReactJs -- and possible optimizations
  5. Thoughts on custom servlet login module
  6. How to handle transactions in Thin WARs
  7. Primefaces as "one stop" solution
  8. REST as communication "protocol" between Thin WARs
  9. WebSockets vs. Long Polling
  10. JSONObject as DTO and inheritance issues
  11. Microservices and Jenkins
  12. Opinions on Docker Swarm
  13. Threads and EJBs
  14. Is MVC dying (everywhere)?
  15. Programmatically deploy and undeploy Java EE applications

Ask questions during the show via twitter mentioning me: http://twitter.com/AdamBien (@AdamBien) or using the hashtag: #airhacks. You can join the Q&A session live each first Monday of month, 6 P.M at airhacks.tv or http://www.ustream.tv/channel/adambien

See you at Java EE Workshops at Munich Airport, Terminal 2 or Virtual Dedicated Workshops / consulting. Is Munich's airport too far? Learn from home: airhacks.io.


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