Java EE--Or Who Cares About WebContainers? [GeeCON Session / Video]

The GeeCON 2012 Session "Java EE--Or Who Cares About WebContainers?" is online:


See you at Java EE Workhops at MUC Airport (October 22nd-24th)!


Great presentation Adam. You say that you have never seen a straight-up servlet only project; neither have I. If someone wants to do web development (using java EE) they should not be forced to use JSF no matter how good you and others think it is. Most clients I have seen are looking for a better JSP and "action" based framework that they can integrate with the Javascript framework of the day. Most public facing websites that I have seen don't use JSF; they all use light weight action based frameworks. I think it's high time that we offer *something* better than just servlets. Microsoft for some time now has had both a component based framework (ASP.NET) and an action based framework (ASP.NET MVC) as part of their core ".NET" offering. They also have a very modern
template system out of the box that blows JSP out of the water (Razor view engine). All of this with very good tool support.

I think Java EE needs a modern MVC framework. I agree that servlets don't cut it. Now that PASS and clould are not in EE 7 I think we should start to consider this as something we need to get into the platform. JAX-RS comes close; maybe we can do something with that ?

Posted by zztop on September 19, 2012 at 05:09 AM CEST #

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