JavaOne 2012, First Feedback and The Strange Thing

  1. NetBeans day was surprising well attended. A big room was fully packed. We got lots of questions
  2. GlassFish day was interesting as well. Especially the customer stories were interesting. GlassFish became the MainstreamFish.
  3. JavaOne 2012 started at Sunday with a good technical keynote. Even IBM's part was enjoyable and informative (IBM is a sponsor).
  4. The early start is great: the Monday was fully loaded with technical content--no time lost.
  5. All sessions I attended were excellent. Good technical content, absolutely no product pitches.
  6. Java EE sessions were extremely well attended (e.g. the Java EE 6--The Lean Part tutorial was fully booked with 200 attendees on the waitlist). However--JavaFX sessions were well attended as well. Attendees are already implementing JavaFX applications--had many good questions to answer.

I mainly attended sessions delivered by Oracle engineers. 90% of this sessions were great with unique, deep technical content probably only deliverable by someone implementing the low level stuff. This is my personal motivation for attending JavaOne. You can meet most of the non-Oracle speakers all around the world. You get the answer here for the "Why?" and the actual motivation behind the technology.

Now comes the strange thing: Oracle advertises JavaOne saying there are only 40% of Oracle speakers. But exactly these speakers make JavaOne unique. Exactly like Apple engineers make the WWDC unique (and sold out :-)). So hopefully next years raises to at least 50%.


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