NetBeans 7 + git - A Smoke Test

NetBeans 7 supports git. The git plugin has to be installed first (Tools->Plugins and search for git). The installation is fast (the plugin is < 1MB).
Some observations:

  1. git plugin supports: Show Changes, Add, Commit, Diff, Branches, Checking out a revision, Merging, Fetch and Disconnect
  2. Repository browser: (Team -> Git -> Repository Browser)
  3. Bug tracking integration (in the commit panel)
  4. My favorite: NetBeans "downlights" files included in .gitignore
I tested it with x-ray and it works great. The git-plugin should be shipped with the next NetBeans 7.X release.


Hey, this looks quite good. I tried nbgit some times until version 0.3, but this one looks much better.

Posted by Marcus K. on May 07, 2011 at 11:27 PM CEST #

Getting the error "The module named com.jcraft.jsch was needed and not found"
after installing the plug-in.

Can you offer any suggestions?

Posted by Christian on September 12, 2011 at 11:00 PM CEST #

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