New Date And Time, Java FX, RIA, und Java EE 5 - W-JAX afterglow

W-JAX conference was great again. I started with the "late night" BOF about the New Date And Time. The high number of participants and the hight quality feedback really surprised me. We actually discussed the whole session the JSR-310 source code. Some participants were really involved - one built even one small prototype with his ideas - and will contribute it back. My session about RIAs with Java 6 SE was overcrowded as well. I presented the Java 6 SE together with Java FX Script and its domainspecific extensions. I had some nice discussions after the session. Finally I enjoyed the Java EE 5 Workshop - with about 65 participants we discussed the domain driven, as well as serviceoriented Java EE 5 architectures with a lot of source code.

I'm already looking forward to the next events: SOA Kongress in Mainz (I will talk about SOBA's - the japanese noodles :-)), Sun Tech Days in Frankfurt (a whole day Java EE 5 workshop about serviceorientation, perhaps some events) and the OOP Conference in Munich (I will present the project GreenFire, and give a talk about efficient architectures).


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