...and the Adoption Of EJB 3 / Java EE is: 📎
far better than expected. The landscape:
- Java EE 5 is already supported by 14 (all major) application servers.
- Java EE 6 is already supported by Glassfish 3 and partially by JBoss 6.0 and Geronimo.
The adoption is harder to estimate - but it seems like Java EE 5 (6 is too early) and EJB 3 are gaining momentum. The w-jax conference is over - it was interesting to observe some indicators:
- The first time ever there was an EJB 3 / Java EE 6 day. More important: it was very well attended.
- Our EJB 3 / Java EE 6 table during the ballroom night (a kind of openspace) was (over)crowded. We already thought about occupying the JRuby table near us :-). All attendees had already EJB 3 experience. The participants introduced interesting projects from the biometric area, over health care system, to route planing and automation. This really surprised me.
- Several projects are going to migrate their existing EJB 2 infrastructure to EJB 3. I had two conversations about migration from Spring to EJB 3. The reasons, however, were strategic and not technology driven.
- Speakers signalized their interests as well. We had a really nice hall conversations about the EJB 3 programming model and its lightweight nature. I didn't expected it either. Even a Tomcat committer is starting to investigate EJB 3 :-).
- My interactive hacking session (60 minutes - with Java EE 6) was attended by ~ 200 people in a room with 180 capacity :-). Btw. the average deployment time took <10ms (Glassfishv3b70 and NetBeans 6.8beta). This caused some interesting discussions afterwards.
- At the very last day - I gave a workshop with the title "Java EE Patterns - Rethinking Best Practices" with 55 attendees (a new record). The majority of the attendees had already EJB 3 / Java EE 5 experience. I got really good questions about modularization, transactions, caching and performance during the day. My general observation is: developers, who already used EJB 3, really like it.
See also my tweets. The w-jax conference this year was very well attended (subjectively: more than last year). The conference was well organized with excellent food and location (Westin Grand Hotel in Munich...).
I also recognize growing interests in EJB 3 / Java EE topics in this blog. EJB 3 / Java EE 6 topics are very popular.