adam bien's blog

CDI Input Validation with JAX-RS and Java EE 8 📎

A CDI bean with parameters validated by Bean Validation:

import javax.validation.constraints.Size;
public class WorkshopCatalog {

    public void save(@Size(min = 2, max = 5) String input) {

and exposed with a JAX-RS resource:

public class WorkshopsResource {

    WorkshopCatalog facade;

    public void save(String input) {;

throws on every violation an instance of ValidationException which is automatically converted by JAX-RS into 400 Bad Request.

An invalid request with too short payload, like e.g.:

curl -i -XPOST -d'd' http://localhost:8080/beanvalidation/resources/workshops

leads to:

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Server: Payara Server  5.184 #badassfish

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