adam bien's blog

Fire And Forget. Without JMS. With EJB 3.1 and 8KB WAR File 📎

JMS was often used just for asynchronous execution of synchronous methods. Now you can achieve the same with a single annotation: @Asynchronous. The following EJB 3.1 stores a JPA entity in an asynchronous way:



public class MessagingService {


    EntityManager em;



    public void newMessage(String content){

        em.persist(new Message(content));



    public Future<Long> create(String content){

        Message message = new Message(content);




        return new AsyncResult<Long>(message.getId());



The method newMessage will be executed asynchronously, but still transactional, in the application servers thread pool.  The method create returns Future, and can return so a result. It will either be executed in background thread or synchronous - if you invoke it too early. So it doesn't fit exactly to the Fire And Forget paradigm.

A deployable, working example (project Fire And Forget) was tested with Glassfish v3b70 and NetBeans 6.8beta and pushed into  Btw. the whole WAR file (EJB 3.1 + REST) takes 8kB on the hard drive....

[See Lightweight Asynchronous Facade pattern, page 65 in "Real World Java EE Patterns Rethinking Best Practices" book for more in-depth discussion]