adam bien's blog - proposals were accepted, but I didn't knew that :-) 📎
Yesterday a participant of the Jazoon conference asked me to summarize my BOF "Do we need architectures". I was in Munich working on my current project and wondering what he exactly means. It turned out, that he means my talks at the conference. Because I wasn't notified about the acceptance of my proposals and not included in the speakers list, I just didn't recognized this. I'm really sorry. But I know that my talks for the w-jax 07 and probably also oop 2008 conferences are accepted. I already locked this dates in pessimistic manner :-). In september and october I will also give some talks/workshops in Zurich (ETH) - so stay tuned. If you meet me somewhere and are still interesting in my Jazoon's topics - just ask me directly. We could discuss your questions - a small compensation. Sorry again!