adam bien's blog

Jigsaw in JDK 1.7 / EJB 3.1 Timer / Useful Object Pooling - or The Best of February 📎

  1. Jigsaw / JDK 1.7 will be the solution for 80% of the modularization challenges (14327 views)
  2. Simplest Possible EJB 3.1 Timer (8072 views)
  3. Object Pooling Can Be Still Useful - For Entirely Different Reasons (5792 views)

and:  352961  direct requests  (best result ever, January was 340926),  77397 RSS reads (best result ever, January was 71788) and  31476  atom reads (best result ever, January was: 27417)

Daily Avg. Visitors  7831 (January  7199) (best result ever)

Total Visitors  219295 (January  223174) (wasn't the best ever result, but February was a short month...) 

Total Hits:  747509 (January  768332) (wasn't the best ever result, but February was a short month...)