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Real World Java EE Patterns - Rethinking Best Practices Book And Project 📎

A new "edition" or Real World Java EE Patterns, with focus on Java EE 6 (actually a completely new book) is available: Thanks for reading the first iteration--it is a best seller!

Now back to the announcement of the, already retired, first edition :-):

The english book Real World Java EE Patterns is available as download and softcover. I was constantly asked for an english book - and here is it :-). Java EE 5 and 6 are a revolution and not just an evolution. Most of the patterns and best practices changed or became optional. This is exactly what the book is about. It introduces the new patterns and refurbishes or even kills the old. I also described a bunch of useful utilities and generic patterns from my projects - even a minimal JCA implementation.

Real World Java EE Patterns includes coverage of:

  1. An introduction into the core principles and APIs of Java EE 6 (EJB, JPA, JMS, JCA, JTA, Dependency Injection, Convention Over Configuration, Interceptors, REST)
  2. Principles of transactions, Isolation Levels, Remoting in context of Java EE 6
  3. Mapping of the Core J2EE patterns into Java EE
  4. Discussion of superfluous patterns and outdated best practices like DAOs, Business Delegates, Data Transfer Objects extensive layering, indirections etc.
  5. Business layer patterns for domain driven and service oriented architectures
  6. Patterns for integration of asynchronous, legacy, or incompatible resources
  7. Infrastructural patterns for eager-starting of services, thread tracking, pre-condition checks, Java EE 6 lookups or integration of third-party Dependency Injection frameworks like Guice
  8. Hints for efficient documentation and testing
  9. Lean and pragmatic service and domain driven architectures, based on the discussed patterns
  10. Fully functional Java Connector Architecture (JCA) implementation with source code
  11. EJB 2 - EJB 3 migration

"Excerpts" from this book are already published at javaworldEJB 3: From legacy technology to secret weaponLean service architectures with Java EE 6 and Domain-driven design with Java EE 6

I also gave two Java One and one Devoxx talk with related content.

Real World Java EE Patterns - Rethinking Best Practices will benefit experienced developers and architects. Important architectural and design concepts are explained thoroughly but obvious basics and API discussions skipped entirely.

I will cover the topics in subsequent posts - so the content of the book will become more technical again :-). I check in all the samples incrementally into

All samples were tested and developed with Glassfish v2 - v3 and Netbeans 6.5+ - but are not dependent on it. Reasons: Glassfish it the official Java EE reference implementation and Netbeans GF integration is superb. I tested the code partially on JBoss 5.1 and openEJB as well. The code is only dependent on the Java EE 5/6 APIs - there are no server dependencies included. 

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