adam bien's blog

Spring vs. Vanilla Java EE, Real World Java EE Workshop and The Perfect Storm 📎

Next week will be all about Java EE 6. At the ejug conference in Vienna I will start (23.02) with a "fight" against Juergen Hoeller and discuss the Spring vs. Java EE thing. We did it already last year - but now Java EE 6 is out with an API designed by SpringSource. I will also give a dedicated Java EE 6 / EJB 3.1 / CDI / REST / JPA session about Xtreme Lightweight Architectures (you could also call that "weightless" :-)). 

The next day (24.02), at the Jax London conference (The Perfect Storm session), I will use more the IDE and "hack" a Java EE 6 application live on stage. I will try to kill some Java patterns with Java FX as well.

The last day (25.02), again in Vienna, I will give a whole day workshop "Real World Java EE (Patterns) - Rethinking Best Practices", somehow related to my latest book. We should have enough time to discuss project specific things and issues. I will try to explain as much as possible with working code... 

I'm also already looking forward to the SDC 2010 conference in Gothenborg