adam bien's blog

Two Days With Netbeans 6.5rc1 and Glassfish v2ur2 in Production - And No Risk No Fun at Netbeans Days 📎

Netbeans 6.5 beta worked, but exceptions were thrown from time to time during editing more complex Java classes (with innerclasses, refactorings etc.). I used it only for few days, then switched back to Netbeans 6.1. As 6.5rc1 came out - I gave it another try. I opened my current project (Wicket, EJB 3, JPA 1.0 and Glassfish) and worked with it for two days. Some observations:

  1. No exceptions so far. Everything works fine.
  2. The SQL explorer is completely reworked.
  3. You can diff file just on right clicking on the tab. This is one of the "killer" features, because I have to diff HTML / CSS files frequently.
  4. The performance is better, than 6.1.
  5. The Save On Deploy feature works amazingly well - I just save the files, and NB redeploys it in backround on GF.
  6. The full redeployment is fast I takes 2-15 seconds to deploy the whole EAR with WAR and EJB-JAR. JPA creates tables for me in this time as well.
  7. The new search for action feature works good. Just press ctrl+i and a keyword like e.g. deploy. The search will suggest you all available and related actions.
Because it works really well, I decided to use Netbeans 6.5 rc1 for the Netbeans World Tour event in Gdansk and Posen this weekend. No Risk No Fun :-).