Best Of August - The Best Month Ever, VOs vs DTOs (16K) And Evil DTOs (10k)

  1. Value Object vs. Data Transfer Object (VO vs. DTO) (15928 views)
  2. How Evil Are Data Transfer Objects (DTOs)? (10837 views)
  3. Java The Most Popular Language - ActionScript Is Followed By Fortran And Cobol (9895 views)
  4. Simplest Possible EJB 3.1 / REST (JSR-311) Component (7668 views)
  5. Netbeans 6.8m1 - The (lightweight) Java EE 6 IDE (7339 views) 

and: 383037 direct requests, 74255 RSS reads and 22128 atom reads. 

Daily Avg. 6858 (July 6313) Visitors (best result ever)

Total Visitors 212607 (July 195718) (best result ever)

Total Hits: 822450 (July 791340) (best result ever)


Adam, Great Statistics! And thank you again for your involvement in the Java and NetBeans Communities.... You are a true Champion... Keep up the good work! -- Aaron

Posted by Aaron Houston on September 10, 2009 at 01:10 AM CEST #

Superb! You work hard to provide high quality, highly relevant material to the Java community, and it's paying off!

Posted by Kevin Farnham on September 10, 2009 at 06:44 AM CEST #

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