Even Better (Java Independent) Interview Question

Parag Shah in recent comments suggested even better interview question: "Would you like to be a programmer when you are 70 ?" It is a very good one. I would even increase the age to 80 :-). I prefer, however, programming over sudoku or watching television - so why not? We will probably have Java 50update99 at that time :-). I have to update my slides now...

Speaking about motivation, what about: "Would you like to be a manager when you are 60?" :-).


lol: java 50plus u10 senior release (server vm only)

Posted by mbien on January 12, 2009 at 01:02 PM CET #

Hi Adam,

I definitely agree with Parag Shah's question. I would definitely program even when I have a family of my own or even a grand children (I am still 24 yrs old though haha!)

I can't discern why some people ditch development work when they attain "higher" titles/position. In my opinion, isn't attaining higher titles/position mean just having additional responsibilities?

A motivated developer will always remain a motivated developer at heart.

Titles/Position may have changed, but the motivation/passion should not.


Posted by Jerwin Louise Vergara Uy on January 13, 2009 at 07:12 AM CET #

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