Java EE 6 / EJB 3.1 / JSF 2.0 WAR Modularization With Maven - Concrete Sample 📎
The backing bean HelloView:
public class HelloView {
@EJB HelloService helloService;
public String getHelloMessage(){
return helloService.hello();
is packaged directly in the classes folder inside the Java EE 6 WAR. The boundary HelloService:
public class HelloService {
@EJB CurrentTimeService currentTimeService;
public String hello(){
return "Hello: " + currentTimeService.getCurrentDate();
Is located in the JAR-module with the following maven metadata:
It references the CurrentTimeService control,
public class CurrentTimeService {
public Date getCurrentDate(){
return new Date();
which gets automatically injected. The CurrentTimeService resides in another module. The compile-scoped dependency is specified in the pom.xml:
All EJBs are located in standard JARs. There is no need for special treatment / artifacts.
In the pom.xml of the WAR-project only the dependency to the boundary has to be specified. The transitive dependency to the control is automatically inherited:
<name>ModularWarWithEJBs Java EE 6 Webapp</name>
You will find both JAR-modules in the WEB-INF/lib/ folder:
Java EE 6 WAR is the "new" EAR - it allows easy packaging and pragmatic modularization of EJB-modules and web applications. Together with Maven it's the perfectly synergy.
The working maven projects (ModularWarWithEJBs Java EE 6 Webapp) were pushed in into:
[See Page 267 (Monolithic or Loosely Coupled?) in "Real World Java EE Patterns - Rethinking Best Practices" and Premature Encapsulation Is the Root of All Evil, Page 253]